open a free skrill account in english by prathilaba

Send Receive Money to Sri Lanka with Skrill ewallet - English Guide for Sri Lankans

Learn about creating Skrill ewallet in English to send and receive money to Sri Lanka. A must have ewallet for everyone as getting money to Sri Lanka via paypal is still not available for us. Therefore Skrill ewallet is one of the best alternatives to receive money from overseas. You can receive payments from your freelance work, trading work or any kind of online activity that helps you to generate revenue, money from friends or money from family using Skrill account. Then from Skrill account, you can easily withdraw money to your Sri Lankan bank account (Generally it takes 2-7 workings days) or you can withdraw to your ezcash mobile wallet instantly. So let's see how you can create a free Skrill ewallet account.   ( For Sinhala version of this article. Please click here Skrill Account Opening Sinhala Tutorial Guide )

( Update : Local bank cards no longer works with Skrill and most brokers.  )

1) Go to Skrill

Register with Skrill using the below link or download Skrill Mobile App

2) Let's Register !

Enter your email address and preferred password for Skrill account

Email and Password Entering Step - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

3) Enter Your Personel Information

Enter you first name, Surname and date of birth

Personal Information Step - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

4) Choose Country and Preferred Currency

Enter the country you are residing ( Sri Lanka ). Choose the preferred currency type for the ewallet. ( USD or EUR)

Country and e wallet currency Step - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

5) Address Information

Enter your home address. ( Make sure you are able to verify this address later on using a valid bill or certified bank statement. Also make sure it is the same address that is in your ID, Passport or Driving License ). You can get your location postal code from here 

Address Information Step - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

6) Enter Your Phone Number

Enter your phone number. Then a tick in the box with "I'am not a robot" ( You may get a puzzle to solve sometimes ) Place a tick for the next square box ( I agree to ... at any time ) as well . Then choose "Open Account ". Done !

Enter Phone Number and Account Opens - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

7) Account Opens !

So no the account is created bu Skrill and first stage is successfully done. Now you will  get a window as below screenshot. Choose "Continue to My Account".

Account Created pending email verification - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

8) Enter PIN Number for better security

Now you will see a window as below screenshot with two methods to increase security of your account. For the first method, you must have a modern smart phone ( We will discuss about it at the latter stage of this article ).  Let's try the second method.  Here you will be creating a unique number which you will need to enter each time you need to make a transaction. Go to "Create a PIN".

Security PIN and 2 factor authentication popup step - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

You will now get two text boxes as below screenshot.  Enter 6 digits in first text box ( Make sure to remember the 6 digit code or write it on a safe place ).  Re-enter the same digits in the second text box.  Choose "Save"

Enter 6 digit PIN number - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

9) Verify your email !

Once you complete the above stage, you will be taken in to your account's dashboard. The big red banner notification on top state that you will receive payment in Eur not in dollars. It is not an issue for you. So just ignore that notification. The yellow banner notification states "To ensure we have the best level of security. please verify your email address now". So click the text  "now"  in that box . You will receive a verification email from Skrill with a link in that email. Click that link in the email that you will receive. Once that is done, the yellow box in your dashboard will disappear. 

verify email address and about red bar in my account section of skrill step - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

10) Add your Debit / Credit / Web card to your account

Now add your debit/credit/webcard  to the account ( Make sure it is supported for online payments ). Go to "Cards and Bank Accounts".  Choose "Add Credit or Debit Card". ( Please note that most local Sri Lankan bank cards no longer works online )

add master visa credit or debit cards - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

Enter your card details.

Enter Your visa or master card information - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

You must verify your card. Therefore click "Verify" infront of the added card.

Verify your master or visa card - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

Then choose "non-gambling" and next choose "Debit amount and verify".

Start Verification - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

…………………Common Questions ………………….

My Debit / Credit card Payment  got  "Declined" ?

Most local Sri Lankan bank cards no longer works online.


Then get the above transaction details via monthly bank statement that you will receive.   Optionally, if you have online bank facility, you can check that one at the end of the month.  So once you know the exact "amount " in dollars. Go to "Card and Bank Accounts" > "Finish verification" ( This text will show infront of your card attached card ) and enter the exact amount. Now card is verified !

11) Add your bank account

If you wish to receive money from your skrill account to bank account. You will have to attach a bank account. Always withdraw to bank account, when you have $500 or more in Skrill account as withdrawing small amounts will be not worth.  For smaller amounts ezcash ( we will learn about it in next  step ) will be the best option.  So go to "Cards and Bank Accounts" again. Choose"Add Bank Account".

choose adding bank account to receive revenue - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

From the next window you are getting. Choose "Sri Lanka"  ( or another country depending on your location ). If your account is a normal rupee account, please choose "Yes" ( radio button ) from next step. Then tick the box at the bottom. Finally choose "Add account and continue".

Add bank account location and currency type - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

In the next stage, you will have to enter the "Bank Account Number", Choose "Bank" from the drop down list, choose the bank branch from "branch office". Double check to make sure the details are correct, then choose "Add account and continue". Done !

Enter bank account number and bank name with brnach - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

12) Add EzCash Mobile Wallet

Using your dialog number ( hutch & etisalat numbers also can be used ), dial #111# and get eZ Cash account enabled. Please remember the PIN number that you will get or write it on a safe place. You will need  the PIN when making withdrawals at a easy cash center ( Don't confuse this PIN with Skrill PIN. That is different and this is differnt. This is for your ezcash account ). The main account that you will get is "Classic" in Ez cash service offered by Dialog. You can keep upto Rs 10,000 in the mobile wallet. If you need a higher account with upto Rs 25,000 limit, you will have to visit dialog office to request it. 

Now goto  "Mobile Wallets" tab.  Then choose "Add Mobile Wallet" .

Add EzCash Mobile Wallet - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

Now enter your ezacash mobile number.

Enter ezcash dialog hutch or etisalat mobile number - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

Double check the number once again. Then choose "save".

13) How to receive funds to your Skrill account

If you need to receive a payment from an individual to your skrill account, give ONLY your skrill email address. (  Do not give any other information specially do not give PIN, Password, address etc.. ). If you need to receive payment from a reputed company website, you will still need only to give Skrill email address but in some instances you amy have to enter PIN in that particular service providers website.

14) Making Payments / Sending Money to an Individual

If you need to make a payment from your skrill account. You will need only to enter Email and PIN only. ( If you have enabled 2 factor authentication, you will have to enter the random code as well ). If you need to send money to a friend, family or individual service provider, click the  "Skrill to Skrill" ( Make sure the person who receives money has an active skrill account or service provider accpets skrill payments ! ). Using "Send Direct", you can send money to bank account using your card directly.

withdraw money to ezcash from skrill - - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

15) How to get money from Skrill to my bank account or ezcash wallet ?

Skrill to Ezcash

Choose "Withdraw" button to right side of your dashboard. Using this option you can either withdraw to bank ( in 2 to 7 working days ) or ezcash account  ( You will get it instantly via ezcash. Sometime it can get delayed to a maximum of half an hour. You can withdraw upto Rs 10,000 per 24 hours to your ezcash account. Always check the balance too in ezcash account as you cannot keep more than Rs 10,000 in your mobile wallet ).  ( Using "Deposit" button you can add funds to your skrill account by card, bitcoin or neteller )  So let's try ezcash method first.

withdraw money to ezcash from skrill - - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

Choose "Mobile Wallet" from next window that you will get. Mention $60 or lower amount  ( Make sure it is less than Rs 10,000 always ) as you are having a "Classic Account". If you have a  "Power Account", you can withdraw upto $160 each time ( you will need to visit a dialog center to get a power account ).   Then click "Continue".

skrill to ezcash withdrawal - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

Good thing with the latest skrill update is that you will be able to know the exact amount of money that you will get to your ezcash account before making the withdrawal.  Now enter your birth day and click "Withdraw Money". You will receive payment instantly !  🙂  Also you will receive a notification to your dialog phone as a confirmation too !

skrill to ezcash withdrawal amount shows - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

Now go to any commercial bank ATM with "ezcash" logo, choose cardless entry and ezcash payment method. Withdraw upto Rs 5,000 at once easily ! ( You will get a message to your phone where you need to enter your ezcash PIN number to confirm payment ).  Also you can get your ezcash money via any communication center that provides ezcash facility. For more details about ezcash to combank withdrawals, refer this article Skrill to Ezcash Instantly and withdraw instantly via Commercial bank atm in English

Skrill to Bank Account

Just like before, choose "Withdraw"from your dashboard. Choose "Bank Transfer". Mention the amount you wish to withdraw. Choose "continue". In the next window, you will be able to know exactly how much you will receive to your bank account. Now mention your birthday and choose "withdraw money".Generally you will receive it to your bank account within 2 working days. if any delay arise, the maximum it can take is around 7 working days.

Please Remember :
Skrill account is similer to your bank account. Avoid giving your skrill account password, address, telephone number or PIN number to any other individual. Also avoid using any PIN number given by unknown third party. When you are making a payment to a reputable website only you will have to use email and PIN number. If you need to receive a payment from an individual, give only your email address. Do NOT give any other details ( If you are to receive a payment from a reputable website, you may have to enter the PIN number with your email address )

16) 2 Factor Authentication for higher security ( Optional )

This will increase your accounts safety, If you have funds in your account. It is highly recommended to use 2 factor authentication ( You need a smart phone for this step guys ! ).

a) Download "Google Authenticator " app to your smart mobile phone and install it. Google Play store ( Android)/ Apple app store (iOS).

Then from your Skrill account, go to Settings > 2 factor authentication.. Then click on "Enable" text in front of it

how to add 2 Factor Authentication to my skrill account - Tutorial in English by Prathilaba

Choose "Turn on 2 factor authentication"  from next window.

Choose 2factor athentication - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

From the next window that you will get,  Scan the "QR Code " ( the square shape large icon )  using the google authenticator app already installed by you.

2factor athentication QR code scanning step - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

You will receive some 2FA Recovery Codes. Keep these codes written on a safe place because in case if you loose access to google authenticator , you can use those recovery codes to login temporally to your skrill account.  ( Please note once 2FA is enabled, each time you login or make a payment, You will have to enter the random code from this mobile app )

So we have given you the step by step guideline to opening a skrill account.  So add about $10-$100 and keep this account safely as it will be very helpful for you in receiving funds easily to you.   

17) Limits & Verification

You can go to "Setting"and then choose "Limits & Verification" to learn about your current limits and required verification's. 

Limits & Verification of my account - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

18  Increase skrill limits and restrictions in Skrill Account

So once you start using skrill account. The skrill will ask you to verify your account using relevant documents and web cam. Once these steps are verified. You will have no limits to your accounts.   So let's see how this can be done.  Once you get a yellow box in dahsboard like in below photo ( also you will be informed via email by Skrill ), It means that you have to start verifying your account.  Click "verify your account" link in it.

Verify additional verification steps including webcam - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

19  Identity Verification

You will see the remaining verification steps like in below photo. Choose "Verify your ID".

how to verify additional verification steps in skrill including webcam-02 - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

If you have a webcam ( You will need a high resolution web cam ) choose "verify now" or download  Skrill mobile app from Google play / App Store for identity verification (In case, if you do not have both options or issues with both options. Don't worry, I will mention what you need to do at the end of this step ). 

how to verify additional verification steps in skrill including webcam-03 in english by prathilaba tutorials in sri lanka

Select "Sri Lanka" ( or your document issued country ) from "Choose issuing country". Choose correct document type from "Select ID type" ( You can submit national identity card in english,  passport or driving license )

how to verify additional verification steps in skrill including webcam-04 in english by prathilaba sri lanka

If you have not given access to your webcam via your browser. You will get a window as below.  Choose "Share selected device" ( top left corner of your browser ). 

how to verify additional verification steps in skrill including webcam-05 in english by prathilaba sri lanka

Now it is time to take a selfie with the document that your are going to submit mate ! Make sure to take photos of both sides clearly with your self.  Then choose Finish & start verification .

how to verify additional verification steps in skrill including webcam-06 in sinhala by prathilaba sri lanka

You will get a window like below screenshot.  It will try to verify your documents now. So be patience guys !

how to verify additional verification steps in skrill including webcam-07 in english by prathilaba sri lanka

So incase if they do not accept your selfie's or if selfie stage fails. You need to go to skrill support and send an email as below or similer format

Subject : Verification Issue with Webcam

I'am unable to verify using both web cam and mobile app. Please kindly let me know a way to verify my account wiht this webcam selfie stage"

After several days, they will inform you to send two photos ( Photo 1 :  Front of your document with face , Photo 2 : Back of your document with face). Take a very clear photo where the text in your document is readable. So once the two photos are ready, email it to Skrill. So after several days ( this can take some time ), they will inform you about the status of identity verification ( If the sent doucments are not clear, you will have to resend until they approve documents )  So if the skrill identity verification was successful, both "Verify your ID" "verify account ownership" will get completed & verified !

how to verify additional verification steps in skrill including webcam-08 in sinhala by prathilaba sri lanka

20 Verify Your Address in Skrill Account

Go to "Verify Your Location" from above section. Get a scanned copy of a clear document taken within last 3 months which can be used to verify your address ( Phone bill, Tv bill, Electricity bill, Water bill, certified Bank statement etc.. ). Then choose the relevant document type and upload the document using "upload document" button to the right side of the below screenshot ( You can try first method but chances of success is very low as it tries to automatically verify your address ).    

how to verify additional verification address - Skrill ewallet opening account tutorial in English by Prathilaba

Now your account is fully verified  and ready to use without any limits ! Good Luck !  😎 

293 Comments on “Send Receive Money to Sri Lanka with Skrill ewallet- English Guide for Sri Lankans”

  • Chandana Wadasinghe


    Dear sir,
    Is it currently allow you to withdraw money from your Skrill to your Ez Cash Wallet?
    Because in the Skrill Ez Cash window it says Minimum Amount is US$ 4.07 and right below again it says Limit is US$ 1.99
    These to messages doesn’t go with each other. Example when you enter a higher amount than US$ 4.07 it says “Exceeds Limit of US$ 1.99” and when you enter an amount less than US$ 1.99 it says “Enter an amount greater than US$ 4.07” What could be the issue here please?

    Thanking you in advance

    • Prathilaba


      Still it allows Chandana. Just check the balance in your account ( $1.99 message may be due to the current balance ). If the balance is also more than that and you get the same error, please kindly drop a message to Skrill support.

  • Mohamed


    mage id eka reject wuna. too old kiyala awe. id verify karanna aluth identity ekak onadha

    • Prathilaba


      English nic eka witharai weda karanne dear. Aluth nic eka apply karala ganna ikmanin ( driving license or passport nomathi nam )

  • janith


    Sir Mama Skill Account aka Hadagena aka Verify karagaththa mata pashnekata thiyenne commecial bank card akak add kara haduwa aka hariyanne nh .mama hnb bank ake saving acccount ak hadala bank card aka add karanna hadanne . awulak nedda
    Nice day sir.

  • Thilini Nilakshika


    Hi .

    Can u suggest a reliable way to take skrill dollers.

    • Prathilaba


      you can make a bank withdrawal ( as long as it has a swift code) or send an email to us,we will send you a contact

  • Anfas


    Dear, I have USD 200 in my skrill account which I earned from IQ Option. Can I withdraw this money to my Sri Lankan Sampath Bank account from skrill?? I couldn’t exchange thorough brokers.

    • Prathilaba


      You can withdraw to your local bank account. Optionally you can drop an email to us and we will send you a reliable person for Skrill exchange.

  • Skrill user


    Frimi virtual mastercard ekata skrill eken widrowal danna puluwan da.

  • Shazan


    Hi, Mata Loku Udawwak One.. Mama mechchara dawas Skrill Eken EZ cash Gaththa, Giya Week Eke Daapu EZ cash 20$ eka thaama Pending Status Eke, Mama Support Team Ekata Messege ekakuth demma, Msg eka ESCALATED kiyala Tiyenne, Dan Sathiyak Vuna Thaama Reply Ekak Nahe.. Mekata Visadhumak Denna Puluwandha?? Loku Udavvak… Cancel Karannath bahe.

    • Prathilaba


      sati keepyak giyahama aye return wewi. mokak hari technical issue ekak wenn aiti

  • Danilla


    Hey can we still withdraw money from skrill? If so through which banks?

  • Krisha


    Can we use hsbc to deposit money in skrill

  • Harshan Rajendren


    skrill eken kelima bank walata withdraw krganna puluwanda.
    ehemanam available banks mnwd

    • Prathilaba


      Swift code ekak thiyena onema pvt bank ekak pawichchi karanna puluwan. HSBC wage ekak wadath hodai

      • Krish


        Can we use hsbc to deposit money in skrill

        • Prathilaba


          only overseas credit cards works now mate

  • Oliver Fernando


    NTB Frimi mastercard walin skrill deposit karanna puluwan kiyannee aththada, anyone tried ???

  • Nimesh Fernando


    Uda kiyapu ewata amathara wena karama monada thiyenney
    Bank card eken wena site ekkata hari danna,
    Sure site thikak dennako.

  • Rumesh


    Can I deposit money to Skrill using HSBC credit Card ? Is it Support

  • Nilupul


    Do you take SKRILL Dollars ?

  • ruwan


    mchan sampath bank eken hari,western union eken hari skrill ekata money deposit karanna puluwanda…?govenment eken eka prohibit krala ndda?danatath puluwanda wade karaganna? puluwannam fees ehema kohomada ganne bank eken…?ane mchan help karahanko mcho?

  • Sumathipala


    My name on SKRILL & My name on local bank account are different is it gonna be a problem ?
    example ; My SKRILL name ; John Smith
    My name in bank account ; Nathaniel John Denver Smith

    • Prathilaba


      Names have to be same. Best thing is to make a small withdrawal and check. Optionally you can use an exchange service as they give better rate than banks.

  • Ravindu Madhusanka


    Do you know the transaction charges for Skrill to ex cash ! They say 5-% in addition to the exchange rate ?

    Your article is so helpful by the way! Good work ! Thank you 🙏

    • Prathilaba


      They charge a small fee. You can see the exact amount before making the withdrwal Ravindu

  • Taran


    my skrill account is in Euro, is that gonna be a problem when I withdraw from a local bank?

    • Prathilaba


      It won’t be a problem. You can make a small withdrawal to get it confirmed as well.

  • rasika


    Can I withdraw from my Skrill account from a local bank without EZ CASH option?

    • Prathilaba


      you can withdraw to any local bank with a swift code… eg hsbc,hnb,com etc..

  • nilupul


    මගේ skrill account එකට client deposit කරන සල්ලි , local bank එකකින් withdraw කරන්න පුලුවන්ද { ez cash නැතුව }?

    • Prathilaba


      bank ekata ganna puluwan Nilupul

  • Sritharan Shriagith


    Hi dear, I didn’t get any mail from you. Please send mail. I still have the same problem. In neteller too. Thank you.

    • Prathilaba


      Please send an email.. (If you have already sent,no need to do it again. Will be sending a reply shortly )

  • Sudam


    Can we use Netteller instead of skrill? Are our local cards accepted ?

  • Naveen


    My friend in UK try to send 500 euros january 18 to my account but when sending it rejected. But till end of 2020 i have no issue. I want to know is skrill still working in sri lanka

    • Prathilaba


      It should work.. Just contact the support and see..

  • Therun


    Why can I withdraw money via ezcash in skrill. Is it banned by Central Bank now in sri lanka

    • Prathilaba


      Name on skrill should tally with your ezcash account. Otherwise it won’t work… (Also avoid transfers on weekends. Because on weekends some transactions tends to fail )

  • Ria


    Can we withdraw money to eZ cash with a unverified skrill account?

    • Prathilaba


      It is better to verify the account

  • Ria


    Can I withdraw money to ezcash without without verifying the account?

    • Prathilaba


      It is better to verify the account

  • ama


    trade krnna da expert option da godakma hoda?

    • Prathilaba


      dekama hodai Ama.. Hbai deriv/ eke godak options thiyenawa..

  • Ajith


    Hi dear, I want to withdraw a small amount of euros from my skrill account. I tried bank option, visa card option and even ez cash option. But i couldn’t. everytime when i try to withdraw through ez cash the transaction got failed. And a mail comes that the mobile operator rejected the transaction. What is the problem. Please give me a solution. Thank you

    • Prathilaba


      Pls chk your email Ajith.. I think I have sent a reply to your email

      • adrian


        I got the same issus mr.Prathilaba. help me with this matter!

      • nikie


        I Also need an answers for the same question mention above! please!!

  • Ishara Gunasekara


    I’m in Sri Lanka. So, can I withdraw money which is in my Skrill account to my Commercial bank servings account?
    Thank you.

  • vasuki


    hi i need to deposit 13 dollers deposited to my netteller account cAN u help me

  • Anne


    Cant i deposit money directly to expert option using hsbc cc

    • Prathilaba


      Never do like that with any broker. Always deposit/withdraw via Skrill/Neteller

  • adrian


    If you don’t make a deposit with Skrill using a credit/debit card, you will have to pay 4.49% fee for sending money instead of the usual 1.45%.
    i need a solution for this.

    • Prathilaba


      Sorry. No solution for you as long as you are in SL

  • Roshan R


    Hey Prathilaba,
    Hope you you well.
    I’ve been using skrill for many years to transfer and to play p###r, I’ve been inactive for year on Skrill. Recently when I tried to upload money for p###r play I can’t do that anymore. I called all the banks here in Sri Lanka and non of them support my inquire. Do you think we have a solution for this? To deposit money as an option here in Sri Lanka. Because I do trading and also I’m a p###r player…! Kindly assist me to get this sorted out.

  • Akalanka Ranasinghe


    Hello prathilaba,
    I tried to deposit money into my Skrill account using a Sampath card (which is working fine in online payments) but no luck. I get a message saying Transaction failed and contact the bank. Any Ideas?

  • Mekala Wijethunga


    Hello I really want to deposit money to my Skrill account using a bank card so that I could reduce my transaction fee. Is there any bank that supports Skrill in Sri Lanka?

    • Prathilaba


      most of the local cards are not working. Try some of the onverseas bank visa cards or get dollars exchanged from a reliable person

  • Sahan Jayaweera


    Can I buy money to deposit for skrill account without using credit or debit card?

  • Lasiru Rukshan Willarachchi


    HI, kohomada skrill akara sali deposite karane, wisthara denakoo

  • Caushaal


    I tried to deposit using different cards but it didn’t work.

    • Prathilaba


      local cards no longer work. Please send us an email and we will send you a solution

  • vici


    Hello, I am from Sri Lanka. Do you know how to deposit at Skrill with a credit/debit card, apparently Skrill is blocked?
    Does anyone know anything more specific?
    If you don’t make a deposit with Skrill using a credit/debit card, you will have to pay 4.49% fee for sending money instead of the usual 1.45%.

    • Prathilaba


      I have sent a reply to your email VICI with a solution. Please kindly chk that.

  • Chathuranga


    Can we make transferes to our local bank account still via skrill

    • Prathilaba


      local cards cannot be used to deposit but withdrawals are working fine. If you need a solution to deposit, please feel free to drop us a message via contact page.

  • Kavindu


    Can I use commercial bank credit card for deposit?

  • Shantha


    What is the maximum amount that we can withdraw from skrill to commercial bank acc

    • Prathilaba


      No such limits mate. You can withdraw any amount to your bank account. Usually it is better to keep around $800-1200 max per month

      • Shantha


        What happened when we withdraw $ 5k – 10k from skrill to srilankan bank…is there any regulations for that

        • Prathilaba


          If you want, you can withdraw any amount but generally it is better to keep around the said limit. Sometimes certain banks with block when large amount of money comes and you will have to personally visit the head office of the bank with payment proof etc.. If you are ok with that, any amount is fine =D

  • Hasan


    Skrill වලින් Ezcash වලට 100$ withdraw කරද්දි ගාස්තුව කීයක් විතර අය කරනවද?
    Yllix වලින් Ezcash වලට 10$ ක් ගත්තම 3$ ක් අය කර ගත්තා. 7$ යි.Ezycash ගිනුමට ආවෙ.

    • Prathilaba


      oyata withdraw karanna issella screen eken hariyatama keeyada account ekata waitenne kiyala balaganna puluwan Hasan.

  • Sampath


    Could you pls let me know if we can use sampath web card for money transfer to skrill

    • Prathilaba


      that does not work any longer mate.. Get skrill or neteller dollars to your account from someone living overseas..

      • suda


        I tried sampath web card to deposit skrill using small amount (5$) at 2020 sept 7., but unfortunatlly not working today. 🙁

        • Prathilaba


          local debit cards no longer works mate. You will need an overseas ban credit card or get dollars via a person who exchanges. Send an email using contact form or to, we will try to find you an alternative method.

  • esala


    hi, skrill eka trust karanna puluwanda..? “trustpilot” eke minissu dala thiyanawa e ayage salli thiyeddima account suspend karala,deactive karala , eka eka hethu kiyala account eke thibuna salli kapagena, oya wage siddi godak..
    lankaweth ehema wechcha aya innawada..?
    skrill , netseller dekama eka company eke nisa dekama trust karanna ba neda..?
    me deka wenuwata alternative site thiyada..? (lankawata support ewa)

    • Prathilaba


      skrill / neteller kiyannet bank wagema thamai. Ithin haima thissema original documents wagema welawata verify karanna. Ethakota gaitaluwak nai. Godak welawata ehema gaitalu wenne fake documents submit karala passe ahu wunahama, scam ewa karahama account eka haraha, welawata verify karana ewa nokarahama wage. naittan ehema gaitaluwak nai.

  • Rohan


    How long it will take to receive money from Skrill to a Credit card (standard chartered bank)?

    • Prathilaba


      It may take few days. Normally withdrawal to credit cards/debit cards are not a reliable method. In future use Skrill to Bank Transfer

  • Madushika


    In Sri Lanka can we withdraw money from Skrill account to my bank account?

    • Prathilaba


      Yes Madushika.. You can use any bank with swift code ( com,hsbc,sc, hnb etc..) or even ezcash

  • Madushika


    I have a HNB debit card. I need to deposit money in Skrill account but it is not possible. So I have a PayPal account linked to my HNB card. Could you tell me a legitimate site for transferring money from PayPal to Skrill?

    • Prathilaba


      Local cards no longer work Madushika. Try to get deposited via a friend or family member living overseas..

      • Roshan


        rata inna kenatath skrill acc ekak thiyenna oneda?

        • Prathilaba


          Skrill ginumak bawitha karana eka wada sudusui trade karaddi.

  • rajith


    im planing to start iqOption , could you please let me know whether i can still deposit and withdraw money through skrill ?( im base on sri lanka) if not how can i do it ?

    • Prathilaba


      Local cards no longer work for deposits Rajith but you can make withdrwals to bank or ezcash. Try to deposit via a friend or family member living overseas..

      • rajith


        thanks for the information

  • Benedict



    1. I have PayPal account I use this for my eBay transactions for both payments and withdrawals.
    Can I use this instead of Skrill?
    Card is HNB Debit Card

    2. When depositting I get PIN number to my phone and when I enter that PIN number on Skrill i Get message like this……..”Something went wrong
    You were not charged.”
    Card is HNB Debit Card

    • Prathilaba


      Hi Benedict.. You can use Paypal as you can receive payments via it. If you are interested in forex trading, you can use this broker with Paypal.

      2 Skrill no longer accepts local debit cards,so that is why you got that message mate..

    • Kavindu


      Can I use commercial bank credit card for deposit?

      • Prathilaba


        it will not work mate.. Try overseas bank card

  • Riskan


    Hi sir,
    Is there any overseas bank in Sri Lanka ?
    And which card I need to deposite money to Skrill account?

    • Prathilaba


      local card options no longer work mate. You will need an overseas bank account/card..

  • Gulam


    Is there any trustworthy skrill exchangers in srilanka?

    • Prathilaba


      you can find a reliable person in local dollar exchanging groups ( always look for reviews by others. avoid fake profiles )

  • Meshadi Virajini


    Account eka aniwarayenma verify karanna oneda sir.natuwa apita digatama money transfer karanna puluwanda.

    • Prathilaba


      documents ready karala thiyaganna. account eke document submit karanna kiyala sadahan wunahama, submit karanna. naittan account eka block wenawa

  • Kavindu


    Hi there, Can I use the new sri lanka NIC for account verfication without using driving license or the passport.?

    • Prathilaba


      You can use new NIC

  • Roshan


    overseas bank cc mean can I use HSBC sri lanka cc

    • Prathilaba


      it seems the local cards no longer work mate.

  • Ubaid


    Dear can you suggest any easy conform way to deposit to skrill Account. Any bank or any depositor skrill to skrill

    • Prathilaba


      You will have to use an overseas bank cc or get dollars from someone having Skrill/Neteller dollars.

  • Np prasana


    Further to our conversation, please note that a previous payment you received from – ××××××× – has been funded using a method that limits the usage of funds to money transfers and prepaid card transactions/bank withdrawals only. For additional information, you may wish to contact the sender directly.

    To complete your preferred payment, please use a different funding option which you can find in the Deposit section of your Skrill account.

    Mn yaluwekgn skrill transfer kargena mge skrill ekta eka broker site ekata deposite karna yaddi transaction decline kiyala awa.. Eyala contact karhma mehma qwwa.. Habi mata ewpu kenage skrill eken direct fund karhma fund wenwa. Mage skrill eke awla. Mkkda.?

    • Prathilaba


      oyage yaluwage account ekata laibila thiyena mudal trading walata use karanna bairi gaitaluwak thiyenne msg eka anuwa. Ekai oyatat ehema use karanna bairi. eya mokenda mudal yodawala thiyenne kiyala poddak balanna. Wena kramayak dainata pawichchi karanna Prasanna

  • Shenal


    What is the ideal currency for a Sri Lankan skrill account and do skrill charges a currency exchange fee when I receive a payment from a different currency and when withdrawing to another currency(LKR)


    • Prathilaba


      Use dollars as it easier. Small fee will apply for any ewallet. So it is a normal thing Shenal



    Dear Sir,
    I want to deposit money to my skrill account form Sri Lanka, but I thin non of the banks in Sri Lanka allow to send money to Skrill Accounts. Please inform me the best way to deposit money to Skrill Account from Sri Lanka.

    Thank you verymuch.

    • Prathilaba


      Dear Bandara.. Local bank cc’s are not supported so you can do one of the following things.. Use overseas bank cc or get dollars from someone you can trust

      • Thilina


        Skrill akata salli deposit karanna puluwan lankawe mona bank walinda

        • Prathilaba


          local debit / credit card walin bai. Overseas bank card ho dollar thiyena kenekgen illaganna wenawa Thilina

  • chamara


    Hi I am new to forex trading. I am planing to do live trading with a ECN broker. there are few questions i need to clarify. Please guide me
    1). What is the best method we can use to deposit money to my broker ? is direct bank deposits allowed ? is that good ?? or using skrill ? if i use skrill , how i can deposit money to skrill using my local bank account.
    2). how i can withdraw money from my broker account to local bank account ? is direct bank transfers allowed ? if not what is the best way i can use to withdraw money ??
    3). What is the best local bank to deal with this kind of works ?? if the local banks are not allowed, what are the best international bank to use for this purpose ?

    Can you please provide me clear answers to above questions. it will help to lot of people. Thanks 🙂

    • Prathilaba


      Glad to hear that Chamara. Please kindly find the answers to your questions.
      1) You will need either an overseas bank credit card or need to get dollars from a reliable person ( skrill to skrill transfer ) to your ewallet. Then from ewallet you can deposit to any broker

      2) First withdraw to your ewallet from broker and then from that withdraw to your bank account ( any bank with swift code will work )

      3) You can use any bank with swift code for withdrawals. hsbc,SC, com,hnb, indian bank etc..

  • lahiru


    HSBC credit card deposit karanna puluwanda ?????

  • kajanan


    now if i deposit skrill which bank support in srilanka?

    • Prathilaba


      any bank with a swift code will work Kajanan

  • Ran


    Well ppl just asking same quation, it must be really irritating for you brother!!!! Lol all I want to know right now December 2019, can we still take money out from Skiril account to local sri lankan banks? Are there any problems ? Like those nutcase Central bank regulators…..

    • Prathilaba


      True =D

      Withdrawals are fine so far.. No issue mate

  • Raeesha



    Can I know if it’s possible to withdraw money using mobile wallet if the sim is not under my name?

    Thanks in advance

    • Prathilaba


      all details should be same Raeesha. If not, you can get the details updated in sim n then try

  • satheesh maarimuththaiya


    my hnb card not support bro?

    • Prathilaba


      local card won’r work mate.. Try overseas cc or get dollars from a reliable person

  • Dhanushka Narasinghe


    i don’t know any skrill acoount holder. so can you helpme to deposit money to skrill

  • Amila Udayanga


    skrill ekta add krnna puluvn mona bank eke card daa?

    • Prathilaba


      overseas bank cc puluwan

      • Shamila


        Standard Chartered puluwanda?

        • Prathilaba


          cc only

  • ifam.s


    hi..need a guidance on deposit money from sampath bank to skrill account.. i don’t see a option to verify my debit card in skrill website. there is no option to verify near the added card.. how to deposit money..

    • Prathilaba


      unfortunately you cannot use local bank cards. Please check other methods mentioned in comments

  • Daniel


    Any others at all, if have an alternative please do let me know..

  • vindhya


    Hi. Can we use HSBC credit cards? Are they valid in sri lanka?

    • Prathilaba



      • Daniel


        Dear Prathilaba,
        Does Pan Asia and HSBC debit’s work?Please I really am In a tight financial position right now…..Besides HSBC is a foreign Bank so does it work?

        And my second question Sir, is that this problem only occurs in terms of depositing money from Local Bank to Skrill ryt?
        I mean withdrawing from Skrill to a/c shouldn’t be a problem right?

        And my last question Sir, if depositing from account to Skrill for Trading doesn’t work, isn’t there any other way at all to deposit money to bank ONLY for Trading??

        Please help me with this as I’m in a really genuine desperate situation right here.

  • madushanka


    Skrill walata deposit karanna kramayak tiyanawada lankawe idan

    • Prathilaba


      dollars thiyena kenekgen ganna eka thama karanna puluwan..

  • Shan


    Mage sampath master card add venne nha. Ai??

    • Prathilaba


      eka support nai

  • Vikum


    Which cards does support Skril now ? I have used Sampath, Commercial, HNB. But none of them allow to work with Skrill. Any suggestions ?

    • Prathilaba


      only oversease banks credit cards works Vikum. You can try getting skrill/netteller dollars from a reliable person ( eg look for a reliable person in a group like SL Forex Club in fb. Don’t buy from people with no reviews/low reviews or fake profiles. )

  • Sachin


    Skrill verify kranna aniwaryen account ekat money deposit krla thyenna oned? lankawe cc walin deposit kranna bari nisa ehema one nm skrill to skrill transfer ekakin e deposit eka kloth eka valid da?

    • Prathilaba


      nai ehema ona nai. eyala illana welawata verify karath aiti.
      Ow oyata ehema salli ganna puluwan

  • Devin


    I want a update before creating a skirll account. If i use a commercial bank account with skrill can I receive money to local account as rupees. I have a debit card linked to commercial bank account.

    • Prathilaba


      you can get funds to any local bank with swift code Devin..

  • Ud krishantha


    Mama non gembling walin credit card eken skrill ekta deposit kala. pass e sali wenama thwath credit card ekkata withdraw karnna baluwa. Withdrawal dunne na ai e…

    • Prathilaba


      cc to cc karanna bai. bank withdrwal ho ezcash withdrawal karanna

  • janaka kumara


    yaluwa, mn skrill verify krla tiyenne. sampath bank withdraw karanna 25usd witra yanawada. lankawe withdrawal fees aduma mona bank ekeda..? boc, hnb..deken

    • Prathilaba


      oyata withdrawal tab ekata gihin hariyatama keeyak laibenawada kiyala balanna puluwan. $25 wage nam bank ganan eka padui. ezcash walin ganna balanna

  • Lahiru


    Bro, what international credits cards can we apply and what cards do you recommend?

    • Prathilaba


      Any international based bank cc will work Lahiru

  • chinthaka


    peoples credit card ekekn deposit puluwan kiyanne aththakda?

    • Prathilaba


      local cc nan waida nai international bank cc use karanna

      • Janith


        Monawada international back cc thiyenne honda?

        • Prathilaba


          lankaweth thiyena international bank ekaka cc ekak use karanna =)

  • Asjath Isfaque


    SIr, Sampath bank Master card puluwanda?

    • Prathilaba


      debit waida nai Asjath. Overseas inna friend / family eke kenekta wage kiyanna ginumak hadan salli danna kiyala. eken oyage ginumata salli illaganna puluwan. Ehema naittan overseas bank cc ekak wage ganna.

  • Randula


    sir can we use a HSBC debit card or is it compulsory to use a credit card to the card verification interface in making of skrill account.

    • Prathilaba


      only credit cards work now Randula. Local debit cards no longer works.

      • Nipun


        Sir, samapath web,hsbc debit or credit ho lanakave mona credit mona debit card valainda skriil deposit karanna puluvan???pita rata bank valin pulvanm pita rata bank monada lankave thibena ???

        • Prathilaba


          local bank debit support nai Nipun

  • Asiri


    Bro, Does HSBC CC works fine with depositing to Skrill.


    • Prathilaba


      overseas cards works but not sure about local cc

    • Thisal


      HSBC and standard chartered bank in Sri Lanka are foreign banks in Sri Lanka. Sir can we use the credit cards of these bank to full fill the requirements of card verification. And also
      Can we show them a bank statement from a local bank like Dfcc.

      • Prathilaba


        you can try with cc. any certified bank statement is ok

  • sharadha


    skrill bank withdrawals walata support lankawe banku mnwada

    • Prathilaba


      swift code ekak thiyena onema bank ekak use karanna puluwan Sharada

  • Afreen


    I want to know will international banks like hsbc or union bank debit card deposits work with skrill?

    • Prathilaba


      most debit cards won’t work mate. try credit card and see.

  • Afee


    So sri lankan bank visa debit cards doesn’t support anymore?

    • Prathilaba


      does not work anymore dear. try overseas bank credit cards.

  • Jana


    Aluthen hadapu skrill acc ekakta dan card verify krnna ba da? Ehema verify nokara skrill to skrill money transfer kranna puluwanda ?

    • Prathilaba


      overseas bank credit card witharai waida janaka

  • sunil


    mage Philippine paypal account eken salli withdraw karaganna beruwa inne .skrill haraha puluwanda ? or any other method ?

    • Prathilaba


      paypal to skrill wage ganna kramayak nam dan nai Sunil. Balannan wishwawantha kenekta paypal dollar deela skrill dollar hari bank deposit hari ganna

  • Sandaruk


    Machan skrill wala bank deposit kiyala option ekak thiyenawane salli deposit karanna ,bank eken apata skrill ekata salli yawanna barida a dena detail walata

    • Prathilaba


      mehen yawanna bai Sanduruk. Oyata mehema waida karanna puluwan. Oyage family hari friend kenek hari pita rataka innawanam. Oyata puluwan eyata salli yawala, eyage skrill eken oyage skrill ekata eeka illaganna. Naittan ithin overseas credit card ekak wage pawichchi karanna puluwan.

  • Danuka Dilanga


    Lankawe bank cards welin neteller,skrill deposit kerana baane dn.Use keranna puluwan wena bank cards thiynwad.deposit keranna wena widiyak aththema nadda.

    • Prathilaba


      Oyata mehema waida karanna puluwan. Oyage family hari friend kenek hari pita rataka innawanam. Oyata puluwan eyata salli yawala, eyage skrill eken oyage skrill ekata eeka illaganna. Naittan ithin overseas credit card ekak wage pawichchi karanna puluwan.

  • Nasran


    NTB And Sampath Web card 1kn skrill deposit puluwan da

    • Prathilaba


      Bai Nasran

  • Lahiru


    Hi prathilaba mama seylan visa card eken skrill ekath ekka godak kal ganudenu kala mata Dan skrill ekata deposit karanna bahane. Err msg ekak enwa. Mata kiynwada skrill ekata mony diposite krnna puluhan banck card monwda kiyla. Ehema nathinam wena kramayak hari.

    • Prathilaba


      local ewa nan waida nai dan Lahiru
      Oyage family hari friend kenek hari pita rataka innawanam. Oyata puluwan eyata salli yawala, eyage skrill eken oyage skrill ekata eeka illaganna. Naittan ithin overseas credit card ekak wage pawichchi karanna puluwan.

  • karthick


    how long does it take for skrill bank withdrawal?

    • Prathilaba


      1 – 10 working days

  • Tharanga


    Does skril offer MasterCard for sri lanka?

    • Prathilaba


      not anymore Tharanga. They offer it only within in euro zone

  • Karthick


    Hi, how much did skril charge for bank transfer? And do the banks charge for inward remittances from Skril?
    Thank you.

    • Prathilaba


      when you go to withdrwal tab you can check the exact fees and amount that will get deposited to your account for each withdrwal

  • Nasran


    Bro withdrawal to card possible da?

    • Prathilaba


      local card waida nai Nasran

  • Shan


    Mata danaganna oni .deposit thamai bari..withrawal karanna puluwanda skrill to srilankan banks walata?..

    • Prathilaba


      bank withdrwal puluwan

      • Dharmendra


        what is the limit

        • Prathilaba


          No such limits mate.

  • mohan


    is there any options that works to deposit Skrill account. AirtM seem not working, Local cards not working, Any option

    • Prathilaba


      If you have a reliable friend overseas. Try to get funds via him ( You can send him funds via transfer service ). It seems to be the only way no Mohan.

  • Saman


    Skrill account ekak hadala verfy krala tiyenne. Ez cash walata 2k withdraw th kra. Ath den ez cash walata withdraw kranna hadadi “There has been an error in processing your request.” Ohoma msg ekak enwa. A ai.?

    • Prathilaba


      ezcash temporarily issue ekak thiyenawa

  • Raam


    is there any ways to fund the Skrill account using debit cards of Srilankan banks I tried commercial it got declined. Do Sampath bank web card works? or the debit cards from banks like standard charted or HSBC works ?? or does PFCA(personal foreign Currency account ) debit cards work?? please update about this asap. Thanks

    • Prathilaba


      local bank cards no longer works mate

  • hassan


    bro recently every bank have been blocked depositing for skrill
    i have tried even credit card it is not supporting
    do u have any solutions for depositing

    • Prathilaba


      Yea most banks no longer supports. If you have a friend or family member in an overseas country, try to get funds from them to your account ( skrill to skrill transfer).

  • Lakshan Dinusha


    Is there any way to deposit money to skrill? even from a foreigners card? Because i deposited 20$ with a debit mastercard who is in australia. it came but for iq options they say that,

    ““Your available balance excludes 31.75 USD not eligible for online gambling. And Your available balance excludes 30.00 USD uploaded with Mastercard® and these funds cannot be used for payments to merchants.”

    What is this? How can I deposit money to IQ OPTIONS from skrill… How to I deposit money to skrill which qualifies to deposit money to IQ OPTIONS?

    Please Help….

  • christine


    Mata epa wela thiyenney ###365 ekata cash daaanna lankawey eka card ekak nah ne. Okkoma reject wenawa. Anyone knows a card that can be used for E-sports ####?

    • Prathilaba


      local card support nai Christine

  • Gajan Siva


    any one can upload money to skrill through sampath bank international debit card (visa) its working, I just deposit cash in Skrill through Sampath Debit card.

    • Nilupa


      Does this Sampath bank to Skrill Deposit via debit or credit visa card still working??

      • Prathilaba


        debit card deposits no longer works Nilupa. You can try international bank credit card

        • Nilupa


          What credit cards do you mean by international credit cards?

          • Prathilaba


            overseas banks. local bank cards no longer works mate

    • Nilaksha Neththikumara


      Thanks a lot for the update bro.

  • ayesha


    skrill account eken money send kara sampath bank account ekata .with in 5 days i checked my account update wela i call sampath bank they tell me central bank eken stop karalalu skrill and other online accounts payments .man kohomada srill eken money ganne?

    • Prathilaba


      samahara card deposit witharai temporary support karanne naitte. Withdrawal gaitaluwak nai. Mai dawas wala kohomath waida karana dawas 3- 7 wage yanawa payment enna. Ezcash thiyenan eka use karanna. shenikawa ganna puluwan.

  • Wahid


    Hi! Why i coudb’t withdraw money from skrill to ez cash?

    • Pr Edu


      skrill is doing some updates to the system. You can use Bank withdrawals until it is updated

  • Chalaka Dayarathne


    Aapita ebay selling walata skrill use karanne barida and paypal walin money receive wena widiyata account ekak hadaganne kramayak nathda ? please help

    • Pr Edu


      skrill support nai ebay selling walata Chalaka. Paypal ekakma ona wenawa

  • Yohan Irosh Muthukumarana


    Commercial bank card ekai hnb card ekai dekama declined una.card centre katha karama kiwwa central bank eken block karanna kiyala thiyenne.payments karanna ba kiyala dan.mona hari card ekak support karanawada dan.i need to buy 1000 dollers skrill.can you help me to get them.

    • Pr Edu


      debit cards are no longer supported. You can find a reliable person from groups like bots / slforex to get skrill dollars. You can also use an exchange like airtm and also cc’s can be used

  • mihidum


    Sampath debit cards (or from web cards) walin deposit karanne puluwanda skrill account walata?

    • Pr Edu


      debit card dan support nai Mihindu

    • PR


      Are all cards blocked access to skrill??

  • Kamal


    Can anyone tell me which bank supports funding to skrill ?

    • Pr Edu


      debit cards are no longer supported. So please use a cc or exchanger

  • Perera


    mama IQ eke $ 10 k deposit karanna giyama skrill eken error msg 1 k enawa.
    “Your available balance excludes 31.75 USD not eligible for online gambling.
    Your available balance excludes 30.00 USD uploaded with Mastercard® and these funds cannot be used for payments to merchants.”
    ai e?

    • Pr Edu


      debit walin nan dan support nai Amal. hodama dai cc ekak hari dollar sell karana kenekgen ganna eka

  • Kamal


    Dear sir/ funding to skrill account has been limited from srilanka..kindly let me know the latest is said that funding to e wallets not approved by bank.kindly let us know the latest updates..then how could skrill could have made an agreement Ez cash..looking your reply as soon as possible

    • Pr Edu


      They no longer support debit card payments. You will have to use a cc or buy from a person selling skrill dollars. Try groups like SLForex or BOTS

  • sadun perera


    sri lankan banks skrill valata support karanavada.reply plz

    • Prathilaba


      Credit card, airtm wage exchange ekak use karanna ho SL Forex wage group ekakin skrill/neteller dollar thiyena kenekgen ganna puluwan

  • Ashik


    Do you know which banks are supporting skrill withdrawals to bank account?

    • Prathilaba


      withdrawals with any bank that has swift code will work. HNB, Sampath or NTB would be fine

  • Ashik


    Do you know which banks are supporting skrill withdrawals?

    • Prathilaba


      withdrawals with any bank that has swift code will work. HNB, Sampath or NTB would be fine

  • Ranga


    please give more details on depositing with skrill since now it is stopped in sri lanka heard that new skrill accounts cant deposite money only old ones can..whats the situation now pls give more details. thank you. specially paying for FX brokers.

    • Pr Edu


      Use a credit card from an international bank Ranga. Other option is you can get skrill dollars from a reliable person in SL Forex Club or B.O.T.S FB Groups

  • chathuraKS


    Are the NTB and HNB bank debit cards support for the skrill deposits and withdrawals in this moment rather than commercial bank?

    • Prathilaba


      Yes, CC’s works

  • skrillproblems


    I have a verified account with skrill and was able to deposit into Skirll using my commercial bank international visa debit card earlier this year. But now the payments are being declined since june 2018. Has card transactions to Skrill been banned in Sri lanka in June 2018?

    • Prathilaba


      skrill does not support com cards any more ( master cards does not work as well ) and also it seems com card has problems with online payments ( even when paying using paypal ). Use an international bank card mate.

      • Isuru Akalanka


        Kohomada international bnk crd rkak hadaganne

  • Kanishka


    mata me msg eka enwa card eka verify karama.. bank eken ena otp ekath dammata passe…plz help

    Card verification failed. Please get in touch with us

    • Prathilaba


      card eka suport naithuwa aiti ho onine banking active naithuwa aiti. hnb ho international bank card ekak use karanna Kanishka

      • sadun perera


        com card support karnavada

        • Prathilaba


          Nai sadun

  • Ashik


    Hello, when I was trying to make a withdrawal from skrill to my com bank account, it was not successful and reason says the bank has rejected the transaction. Do u know y it is? do I need to check with the bank?

    • Prathilaba



      Make sure the name on your skrill account tally’s with your account name on com bank account. Also double chk the swift code and account numbers and other relevant details ( if details are wrong or name difference exists, you won’t receive the funds until it is solved ). If all good, try a withdrawal once again ( Generally you will receive funds within 2 hrs to 3 days). If it still fails. contact the skrill support as they will highlight the exact problem.

  • maldias marius


    Heloo, i just want to ask…because of i didnt have my own bill like electric bill,water bill is under my father name. also im working in outside state of my just rent how can i verify my acc using untilit bill..please help me?

    • maldias marius


      * because i dident have my own home

      • Prathilaba


        get a certified bank statement ( with at least 6 months records ) and submit it Maldias

    • Prathilaba


      get a certified bank statement ( with at least 6 months records ) and submit it Maldias

  • Jayasundara


    Passport ekakhari driving licence ekak hari nattan ma account eka hadala wadak nadda???NIC eken meka verify karanna barida???eka sinhalen tiyenne…
    Skrill hari neteller hari accounts natuwa forex trade karanna badida???
    Plz reply..

    • Prathilaba


      aluth id eka ho passport eka ganna. skrill / neteller haraha mudal dameema saha ganeema dan aniwaryayenma karanna.

  • mksk


    Add credit or debit card kyna ekata Commercial or wenath bank ekaka caard ekk add karala. Add bank account kyna ekata wena bank ekk add karnna berida?

    • Prathilaba


      Puluwan. Eka gaitlauwak nai.

  • amornrat


    I live in thai land The system can not Find my location

    • Prathilaba


      Your country may not be supported by Skrill yet Amornrat.

  • neel


    Dear sir,
    my bank card is verified but i can’t up lode money to skrill account
    what is the reason?my bank card is commercial debit card .

    • Prathilaba


      you may have to chk with the card center.

  • Nishanth


    Is that possible for depositing money to skrill from Sri Lankan bank account

    • Prathilaba


      HNB, NTB cards, Sampath web card are supported at the moment.

      • piratheep


        what about the commercial bank visa card?

        • Prathilaba


          most of the local card does not work now

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